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WheRe DiD YoU Go?

Posted by: Teacher irene / Category:

What did you do yesterday? leave your experiences here! Teacher Gracia and me, want to know many things about your visit...

And... If you have interesting pictures about the travel and you want to show them... give us!

22 comentarios:

  1. Unknown Says:

    Yesterday we went to Sevilla. In Sevilla look the catedral, Giralda, Paza de España, Parque María Luisa and we gave a walk by ship.
    The cathedral, is very pretty. The Giralda is tall. The Plaza de España, is very big. The Parque María Luisa, is very big and pretty.

  1. Unknown Says:

    we walk a lot and also buy a lot.
    I had a very good.
    we saw:the giralda,the plaza spain,the maria luisa park...

    I had very good

  1. Unknown Says:

    By Margarita Ramos Derqui

    On monday we went to Sevilla.We saw the Giralda,the Catedral...
    We eat in the park of Maria luisa and after that we went to a boat
    and we saw a lot of monuments of Sevilla

  1. Unknown Says:
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  1. Unknown Says:

    i liked the tour desesionado me to much on but what i liked most as been the giralda and the bus


  1. Unknown Says:


    on monday i go to sevilla look at the giralda,torre del oro,park Maria Luisa and the plaza the spain after i go to the boat in the river.

    alejandro olid

  1. Unknown Says:

    Yesterday we were in Seville. We saw your Giraldillo Giralda. La Giralda is frozen to Cathedral. My partner was Marina.It was a great tour!

    By María José Nogales

  1. Unknown Says:

    I not go to Sevilla,because I wanted to go.
    I went to my cousin's house, in the Venta del Rayo.

  1. Unknown Says:

    Laura Campillo Aguilera.
    The was monday i go to Sevilla.In Sevilla look the giralda,parque Maria Luisa,catedral,plaza the spain and torre del oro.the giralda is discharge.thecatedral is pretty.the parpue Maria Luisa is very pretty
    the plaza the españa is very big and pretty.

  1. Unknown Says:

    Mirian Mateos Pulido:
    18 de mayo de 2010 10:11

    We went to Sevilla.In Sevilla look the Catedral,Giralda,Plaza de España,Parque María Luisa and we gave a walk by slip.

  1. Unknown Says:

    Javier Luque Jaimez.
    I go to Sevilla,the bygone monday
    look the giralda,the park of María luísa,the place of España...
    ¡Me lo pase muy bien!

  1. Unknown Says:

    Eva Maria Serrano Ruiz:
    I go to Sevilla, the date 10 of may, 2010.
    In Sevilla look the giralda, the catedral, the Plaza de España...
    The plaza de España be in construction.the Parck of Maria Luisa, is very very beautiful.

  1. Unknown Says:

    I not go to Sevilla,because I wanted to go.
    Iwent tomy causin´s house,in the Venta del Rayo
    By Ivan Molina

  1. Unknown Says:

    yesterday,looking the very monuments:The Giralda,The Catedral...after,walk in the boat that River Guadalquivir.
    very good

    Ivan VIgil

  1. Unknown Says:

    We went to Sevilla on Monday(10 of May).In Sevilla look the Giralda,
    the Catedral, the Parque Maria Luisa.The parque Maria Luisais very big, the Giralda is very discharge...
    ¡Onli is very beutiful!

    Inma Ripoll Pérez.

  1. Unknown Says:

    we walk a lot and also buy a lot.
    I had a very good.
    we saw:the giralda,the plaza spain,the maria luisa park...

    I had very good

  1. Unknown Says:

    Day 10-may I go to Sevilla
    I listen the Giralda,the torre del oro,The catedral...and lot bridge
    I love the Sevilla

    By:Ana Maria MurosLopez

  1. Unknown Says:

    The other May Day 10 we have seen Sevilla La Giralda, the Torre del Oro, Plaza of Spain and then to see the Gudalquivir
    It was nice everything!
    By Rosa Maria Martínez Arenas.

  1. Unknown Says:

    On Monday we went to Sevilla.Vimos the Giralda, the Cathedral and España.Then,Square, we saw the Guadalquivir river boat and we ate a helado.Me what a great time!
    By MªJosé Muela Jiménez

  1. Unknown Says:

    the excusion desesionado me to munch but more i liked que is : jiralda whem emos climbed to the top of the whole and emos navigated the sip whend under bridghes and abia where lots of turitc fron differends counties.

  1. Unknown Says:


    This year our teacher is not the teacher Irene,is the teacher Gracia.
    Tis year we are the bigs of the school.
    We are the class 6º B.

    margarita ramos derqui 6º B

  1. Unknown Says:


    We are in christmas and we are vary happy , beacouse we love
    the christmas days.

    margarita ramos derqui 6ºB

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