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Places to go on holidays!

Posted by: Teacher irene / Category:

Where, where where?
Where do you go on holidays?

What, What, What?
What can you do there?

7 comentarios:

  1. Unknown Says:

    we can go to he beach,to the mountain, to the island,to the jungle
    to the lake...

  1. Unknown Says:

    Where, where, where?
    Where did you go on holidays?
    I go to Ávila at the mountain.

    What, what, what?
    What can you do there?
    I would like to go toto the beach.

  1. Unknown Says:

    margarita ramos derqui

    we can go to te beach,to swimming in the sea.To the mountain,to
    see there.We can go to the island,to eat delicius fruit.To the jungle,
    to see the animals...


  1. Unknown Says:

    Eva Maria Serrano Ruiz:

    Where, where where?
    Where do you go on holidays?

    I go to Caribe

    What, What, What?
    What can you do there?
    I carry clothes, towel, toy and mattres

  1. Unknown Says:

    In holidays I go to beach and I go to my granmather and granfather

    I very good in the beach and my granmather and granfather house


  1. Unknown Says:
    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
  1. Unknown Says:

    Where, where, where?
    Did you go on holidays?
    I go to Madrid

    What, what, what?
    What can you do there?
    I love to go cauntri with my friends

    By:Ana M Muros Lopez

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